Age: 125
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......and all is well with the world!!!!!
welcome back!
badshah, kahan they aap!?! it was boring without u! thanks 2 ffm and srk fanatic, this topic was still going. but it needs your anti-saima talk 2 be interesting! no offence ffm and srk yaar's!!!NFAKFan37898.7812037037
Age: 125
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video AND vcd. lol. i rented it last week on video. two days ago my parents came back from lahore and brought it on vcd, along with 20 other vcds!! its a typical punjabi movie, with the exception of the main story: the hero was a good guy until he turned 2 gangs!
and abt the dirty actresses....u're 100% right. nirma's nasty. lol.
Age: 125
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i agree. i hope they come back soon. lol.
jalo, aap aur mein to hain! lol. lets continue discussing lollywood in the meantime....!!
i recently watched a movie called ATIF CHAUDRY...its based on a real life guy who went from a straight 'a' student, to a thug. lol. anyhow.....moammar, saima, saud and nirma are in it. bro....let me tell u....nirma is one dirty lady. lol. she did some pretty risky dance numbers. in comparison, saima was so sharif. lol. usnay bhi risky dance kiya tha, lekin nirma's clothes and dances made saima's look so clean. lol.
Age: 125
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lol. i sure hope so.
where is EVERYBODY actually?! lol. not only in this topic, but others as well??....its almost as if everyone's gone and JBs been abandoned. where's paki lion, reema, mypak, umair16 and everyone else?! hell....where's nishu and ricky boy?! lol.
Age: 125
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oh. does that mean no more teentracker on JB?! cause if thats the case, its a sad, sad day. lol. but on the flip side, i would be saved from saima's biggest anti-fan. lol. j/k
Age: 125
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i disagree! i think shamyl khan is not 'hero' material. lol. the guy in phela phela pyar, the guy in salakhein...these guys looks like legit heros. just my opinion!
Age: 125
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ffm's right! reema's a famous pakistani actress. she's known for her superb acting and classical dancing. she's also known for the controversy which surrounds her in regards to some of the choices she makes, but overall she's a household name in PK.
Age: 125
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lol. ydakh jee you're right. they should make more movies like chooriyan.
as 4 my love of lollywood, what can i say?! its pakistani (punjabi or urdu movies)...its its all good! i back it up 100% no matter what(not the dirty stuff tho).
i'm just saying jinaab, not all punjabi movies are a 'bad image' as you said, 4 pakistan. they are made specifically for lahore (i think) and one or two (even if they are about jatt's and jagga's and gijjar's!!) become hits. but overall in the end they are just for fun. thats all i'm saying!
Age: 125
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lol. stop it ffm jee! and yes...she's still alive! the day she stops breathing or leaves movies, will be lollywood's downfall!!!!! lol. (j/k) mark my words people!!!!
Age: 125
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you're right bro. we need more comedy and less over-exposure by some. but dont u think this is comedy:
last week i picked up a punjabi movie called 'BABOO KHAN' from gerrard st. not only were the hero's shooting left right and center, but all the broads were shooting at anything that moved as well. LOL. u KNOW a movie's meant to be 4 laughs when the heroine uses street swear words and shoots everything in sight. lol. altho the story was serious, u could not help but burst out in laughter when the heroine started to act like one of charlie's angel's. LOL.
but you're right...they need to clean some stuff like the dances. u'll notice tho, its the usual suspects who do this kinda stuff. (enter sana, resham, nirma, nargis, etc.)
again people, punjabi movies are there cause they've been here 4ever and they entertain. ceasing to make them is a slap in the face to greats such as sultan rahi. lahore is the single most LIVELY place in pakistan and we need our fill of punjabi movies! lahore lahore eh bai!!
Age: 125
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its simple ydakh jee! if u don't like punjabi movies, don't watch them! but that doesn't mean they'll stop making 'em. as long as lahore is thriving, (and we all know it is/will!!) punjabi movies will be catered 2 us, for shere enjoyment and laughs!
Age: 125
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like em or love em bro...they're here 2 stay i think.
in all seriousness....u think these directors make punjabi movies to compete with bollywood or 2 take em 2 the oscars?! lol. HELL NO! they make 'em to get some laughs, and fill it with unrealistic action. they're just there 2 have some fun. and they target a HUGE MARKET.....lahore. they ain't goin' nowhere! and u get the odd hit here and there (chooriyan, mendhi wale hath, nikki jaee haan, humayon gujjar, etc.) which just soilidfies their place!
Age: 125
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good points nav64. just 2 add 2 your list of examples, the punjabi film 'mendhi wale hath' could also be seen as a clean movie with a message 2 be delivered. its about how certain groups in pakistani villiages marry their daughters 2 the Qur'ran in an attempt 2 keep money, power and proerty within the family. this is wrong and 'mendhi wale hath' delivers this message quite nicely.
Age: 125
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lol. looked real 2 me! u see the girl who got slapped after she takes the hit?! she's like 'oh no she didnt....' LOL. at the same time she looked like she was going 2 pass out from the pain. lol.
Age: 125
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LOL. tru. but seriously tho...we're not the ones tryin' 2 stand out. we're being MADE 2 stand out by our fellow canadians! but we're stayin' put. we'll leave the separating to quebec. lol.
as far as sports go, we got the cash so we're entitled to spend it. y hate us 4 it?!
as for hating us for non-sports reasons, i still don't see why they hate us that much. i've always seen toronto as canada's new york, and vancouver as canada's los angeles. each is good in its own way. i don't get all this jealousy from our OWN COUNTRY. lol. ah the price u pay 2 live in the center of the universe!! lol.
btw....we're not singling you out scotchtape! we're talkin abt westerners in general! lol.
Age: 125
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lol. way 2 go!
from what i hear, its releasing worldwide on the 26th. if not then, it will some day. but 1 way or another, it will grace north american theatres soon!
Age: 125
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quote: sure she is not ugly.. koi bhi ugly nahi hae is world mae.. sab khubsurat hain.
and to be honest. i hardly watch pakistani dramas.. but i've seen couple of hers.. like.. mis fit.. and there was one more.. cant remember da name.
nice save! lol. nobody's ugly! and yeah, she's in a lot of dramas eh?! i watch mis fit sometimes and i've glanced at the other ones. my favorite is 'saas bhi ek maa hai' tho.
and lol @ fast and the furious. r u 4 her or against her?!